Adults of all ages have attested to the benefits and relief they’ve experienced from regular chiropractic therapy. But did you know there are proven benefits for infants as well?
In recent years, chiropractic care has become a safe and non-invasive option to support healthy growth of infants and even offer relief for many ailments that trouble infants in their first few months and years. Like adults, an infant’s spine can become misaligned, which can lead to issues that may affect other aspects of an infant’s health. As beautiful as the birth experience can be, it is a significant physical feat for both mother and baby. Some infants may experience trauma during the birthing process that leads to misalignment in the spine. Infants can benefit from gentle adjustments to address subluxation and improve function of the nervous system. Because a healthy nervous system is integral to insuring all of our bodily systems work properly, chiropractic treatments have been proven to help relieve other issues that upset young babies.
Colic and Digestive Issues
Colic is defined as frequent, prolonged and intense crying or fussiness in an otherwise healthy infant. Episodes of colic usually peak when an infant is about six weeks old and is generally attributed to minor digestive issues or reflux. While episodes tend to decline significantly after three to four months of age, it can be extremely stressful for both caregiver and baby. Several documented studies show chiropractic care can be effective in alleviating symptoms of colic. Because subluxation will affect a baby’s central nervous system, gentle realignment can help to relieve the digestive issues that lead to colic in many infants.
Improved Sleep
Because the central nervous system is closely linked with our ability to maintain healthy sleep patterns, many parents attest that chiropractic treatments have helped their infant achieve better, more restful sleep.
Breastfeeding Support
Unfortunately, some infants are born with joint disfunction that make it difficult for them to breastfeed. Studies have shown improvement in an infant’s ability to properly nurse after chiropractic therapy to address the infant’s musculoskeletal issues.
Improved Development
Infants grow at an impressive rate their first year of life. An average infant will triple their birth weight, and grow about 9.5 inches in the first year. Chiropractic therapy can help ensure that the baby’s spine is in proper alignment during this fast-paced stage of development, supporting proper growth as they move into toddler years.
Ear Infections
Ear infections can be another source of chronic pain and stress for infants and young children. Chiropractic therapy can help a young child’s ear fluid drain more effectively leading to pain relief and a faster healing process. A study in Minneapolis, MN followed a group of 46 children who sought chiropractic care for ear infection, and 75 percent of the cases improved with no other medication needed.
What does an infant chiropractic examination look like?
As you would expect, a chiropractic examination and treatment for an infant is different than an adult exam, or even that of an older child. A trained pediatric chiropractor, like Dr. Hart, will walk through a series of steps to insure the health of the baby’s musculoskeletal system. This includes checking to make sure the infant has adequate range of motion in joints, healthy reflexes, and proper alignment of spine. A properly trained chiropractor will use gentle movements to address any misalignments and relieve pressure to an area that feels subluxated. Infants have extremely delicate developing bones and muscles, so rest assured that a chiropractor trained in this field knows how to properly handle these fragile, growing bodies with expert care.
At Legacy Chiropractic, we want to support you and your infant’s health and wellness and are trained to do so correctly. Our aim is to provide exceptional care to your entire family, from birth to adulthood.